The OpenVallsChain project has won an award in the fifth edition of the Alfons Ortuño Awards for innovation and good practices in public management by the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC). The jury awarded the Information and Communications Technologies Unit of Valls City Council the first prize in the Citizen Services category for the pioneering and innovative nature of the project promoted by the Department of Transparency, Citizen Service Office and Information Technologies of the Valls City Council.
The Valls City Council brings you this Open Data Portal, where all sorts of public information from within the Town Hall's services is available for you to browse, use and share to any ends you see fit and without any restriction.
This project if framed within the Mandate Plan for IT, aligned with EU's action plan for e-administration 2016-2020, which requires all public admiinistrations and institutions within the European Union to become open and inclusive.
The goal with this openness in data and services between public administrations is to increase their eficiency and facilitate the free flow of both companies and citizens. The openness towards third parties, while fully compliant with the legal frame for personal data and privacy protection, can contribute to growth and competitivity.
Furthermore, opening data and services aligns itself with E´'s transparency goals, and will allow citicens and companies, among others, to:
Besides, the administrations and institutions commit themselves to facilitate invested third parties (e.g. companies, researchers and non-profit organizations) the design and provision of services using Open Data.
Activitats econòmiques
Informació relativa a les infraestructures municipals
Mapes de la ciutat
Registre de factures de la Xarxa de Cultura de Valls
Dades relatives a la relació de la Xarxa de Cultura amb els seus proveïdors
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